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The Sound of Silence

Welcome to the sound of silence and the sublime peace as the storm settles. There’s a gentle power which emerges as the cold, white, powdery snow covers almost everything in sight. During the winter storm which hit this region a few weeks ago, there was a moment- a profound moment- when it seemed as if I received a pause button on life.

As I’ve continued to heal from trauma, there have been many aspects of life in which I’ve longed for a pause button as I’m learning how to help my body and emotions catch up with each other. Unfortunately, sleep is an area where I still greatly experience symptoms of PTSD; my body struggles to find rest after many years of excess Cortisol coursing through my brain to keep me safe from even the possibility of something terrible or life-threatening.

As I’ve continued to heal from trauma, there have been many aspects of life in which I’ve longed for a pause button as I’m learning how to help my body and emotions catch up with each other. Unfortunately, sleep is an area where I still greatly experience symptoms of PTSD; my body struggles to find rest after many years of excess Cortisol coursing through my brain to keep me safe from even the possibility of something terrible or life-threatening.

So, I continue to learn to use various skills and tools at my disposal to help calm my nervous system so I can sleep as naturally as able. One of these essential tools is white noise; whether from a fan or sound machine, the sound waves of white noise help bring me calm and more peaceful sleep. During a lull in this past winter storm, there was a moment when the snow caused a quiet which filled my ears with similar calming waves and sensations as the white noise I use to help me sleep. 

I once read about scientific studies which have shown how snow pack absorbs sound waves. There really is something beautiful and and magical about the stillness and quiet after a snowstorm. This past storm was the largest on record here; we received 9 feet (2.74 meters) of snow with snow drifts up to 15 feet (4.57 meters). The most we typically receive in a storm here is around 1 foot (0.30 meters). As I’m sure you can imagine (or have possibly experienced), that magnitude of snow is both dangerous and incredibly beautiful.

I sat safely in my home marveling at the beauty and wondered what it might be like if I followed the example of nature by taking time to hibernate. How much life would Springtime bring if I got proper rest and recuperation during winter? Could this surge of life in Spring allow more freeing playfulness in Summer? Would the playfulness of Summer open me to the harvesting and letting go of Autumn?

There’s much to learn and discover from our surroundings. Today, I sit in the aftermath of the storm with clean up and rescue efforts well underway. I remember the quiet and sound of silence, and find delight in the wildlife emerging to play in the trees. Winter here doesn’t last long, but the sunshine reflecting off the snow, now that is a sight to behold! May today bring you the sound of silence and may she whisper the truth that allows you to recognize the power within you, even if just for a moment

And just for fun, listen to Simon and Garfunkel’s “The Sound of Silence”… and then look up and listen to the bone chilling cover by Disturbed- it’s incredible!

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